Olivier pile

Up to 40% less concrete consumption and no lost drill tip. The foundation pile with the smallest ecological and economic footprint.

An Olivier pile is a patented, innovative, cast-in-place drilled full displacement pile or inclusion made of reinforced concrete with a screw-shaped shaft (helical shaft – with a concrete screw blade that increases the pile core diameter by 200mm 8”) extending along the entire length of the pile. It is installed without soil removal, making it ideal for both structural foundation (Olivier piles) and ground improvement (Olivier inclusions).

Watch the Olivier pile installation process in action

Key Benefits

  • 40% less concrete
  • No soil removal
    • Ideal for contaminated sites
    • No need for soil disposal
    • Reduces logistical costs
    • Reduces logistical costs
  • Increased friction capacity
  • Reinforcement placed before concrete
  • No lost drill tip
  • Increased safety, efficiency, and reduced environmental impact
  • Can be made with existing piling machines
Olivier palen door Traen gebroeders

The Power of the Screw Shape Design

Due to its screw-shaped shaft, the Olivier pile is particularly suitable for use in soils with low load-bearing capacities, such as clay and loam, but can be applied in almost all types of soil. Contrary to traditional FDP piles or rigid inclusions, the Olivier pile is 100% displaced until the bottom of the column and no soil is transported to the surface. An Olivier pile can be made with any foundation machine with a minimum torque from 10t/m.

Proven Technology

The Olivier auger heads for helical piles are the same as the auger heads used in the BBRI test campaign conducted by Olivier NV done at Sint-Katelijne-Waver and Limelette between 2000 and 2002. These results were published in the 2003 book “Belgium Screw Pile Technology” under “Olivier pile”.

Pile sizes

Auger heads for the Olivier v pile are made in the following diameters:

  • d31/46 (310-460mm – 12″/18″)
  • d31/51 (310-510mm – 12″/20″)
  • d36/56 (360-560mm – 14″/22″)
  • d41/61 (410-610mm – 16″/24″)
  • d46/66 (460-660mm – 18″/26″)
  • d51/71 (510-710mm – 20″/28″)
  • d56/76 (560-760mm – 22″/30″)
  • d61/81 (610-810mm – 24″/32″)
  • d66/86 (660-860mm – 26″/34″)
